Prickles #05
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Prickles is quite the defensive character. Capable of keeping everyone a safe distance due to the sharp spikes coating his body.
Attack 1: Use the shape of Prickles like a barbed wire bat and smack enemies.
Attack 2: Ouch... Use the spikes to do a light blast sending projectiles in several directions.
Cannon: (hold)[Crouch](hold)[Attack2]-- Render Prickles immobile while turning him into a cannon. Launch clouds of spikes that rain down on desired locations.
Spike Wall: [Jump] [Crouch] [Attack1]-- Call upon the family to create a long wall across the field in front of you blocking the path of the enemy.
Turret: [Crouch](swap characters): Leaves Prickles where he is putting him in turret mode, he will shoot at nearby enemies and aid in the fight.