Sprite #15
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Not much is known about the origin of this creature however it is known it is not of Infested nature. It is thought that the Sprite withholds most of the power it contains during battle.
Attack 1: Use the Sprites abilities to summon a beam of light, blinding the enemy.
Attack 2: Pacifist! Sprite has a natural ability to turn itself into "ghost mode" rendering itself ineffective but untouchable
Nuke: [Jump] [Shift] (hold)[Attack1]-- Quite literally nukes the enemy, an extremely long charge up time accompanies this.
Ring Ripple: [Crouch] (hold)[Block] (spam)[Attack1]-- Creates several thick rings of particles stunning enemies in the radius.
Expansion: [Crouch] (hold)[Attack 2]-- Expand the size of Sprite granting more powerful moves at the cost of vulnerability.